Contact Us
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions not answered below.
Can I follow along with the courses with a [insert device]?
Yes! Generally you will be able to follow along all of our courses with basically any device other than a smartphone(although we don't recommend using iPads, it's technically possible to use one). This is because the coding environment we teach is Google Colab, which is completely browser based. So it doesn't matter if you're using a Mac, Chromebook or Windows machine, as long as you have access to a web browser, you can follow along with our content.
How long do I have access to the course?
As of today, purchasing comes with lifetime access following a one-time payment.
Do I need to have any prior experience with programming before taking one of the courses?
All of our courses are meant to be as accessible and beginner friendly as possible. Although having prior coding experience always helps, there is no prerequisite and the default assumption is that you've never written a line of code before. Around 70% of people who take our courses are complete beginners and most of them have no trouble getting through the content.
What if I already know the basics of Python and just want to learn its data science libraries?
In that case, our courses still contain a lot of useful content for those who have dabbled in Python / coding before. We would say if you've never worked in pandas, numpy, matplotlib, or scikit-learn before, you're bound to still find a lot of value in the latter half of our courses. If you're already well-versed in these libraries, then maybe you'd be better suited for one of our more advanced courses (coming soon).
How do I access the course after ordering?
After ordering one of our courses, you'll be redirected to the course home page. Once you order a course, it will appear under "My Courses" under the Account tab of the site navigation bar.
What's your refund policy?
If you're not satisfied with your purchase in 30 days, you will be refunded the cost of your order. You can email [email protected] to receive your refund.
I accidentally ordered the wrong course, can I switch it to another sport?
Yes! Just email [email protected] and we will set you up with the sport you'd like to learn with.